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To run the registry locally:

docker-compose up

To tail the logs:

# Replace CONTAINER_ID with the container's ID
docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID bash -c "supervisorctl tail -f schema-registry"


This glossary shall help you when reading the code and understanding Schema Registry at large.

subjectThe full name to be used to group a schema history. Consists of a namespace and a name.
namespaceThe initial part of a subject. e.g. domain.your-project.some-feature
nameThe final part of a subject. e.g. User
versionThe object containing id and the schema. Its own id is not global, but unique for each subject.
registryIdThe global id of a schema version. Retrieved by register.


Publishing a new version

  • Create a new branch
  • Update with all the relevant changes since the last release by comparing commits since last release
  • Bump the package.json version and create a corresponding tag using npm version <major | minor | patch>
  • Push changes to your branch
  • Create PR, wait for successful builds
  • Merge PR
  • Push tags git push --tags, this will trigger a CI job which publishes the new version on npm.