Advanced Usage
While typical usage is covered in Usage, Confluent Schema Registry also provides functionality for more advanced usage.
Get latest schema id by subject
const subject = 'com.example.Simple'
const id = await registry.getLatestSchemaId(subject)
Get schema id by subject and version
const subject = 'com.example.Simple'
const version = 1
const id = await registry.getRegistryId(subject, version)
Note: Currently there is no way to list versions by subject.
Get schema id by schema
Returns the schema id if the schema has already been registered for the provided subject.
If a matching schema does not exist for the subject, it throws a
const subject = 'com.example.Simple'
const schema = await avdlToAVSCAsync('path/to/protocol.avdl')
const id = await registry.getRegistryIdBySchema(subject, {
type: SchemaType.AVRO,
schema: JSON.stringify(schema),
Getting schema by schema id
Normally Confluent Schema Registry keeps the schemas internally and don't require the user to handle them to encode/decode data, but if you need to get a schema from the registry, you can do so by its schema id:
// See
// for a complete return type
const schema = await registry.getSchema(id)
Using custom middlewares
The Schema Registry Client now supports adding custom mappersmith middlewares, providing flexibility to handle various use cases such as OAuth authentication or other custom request/response transformations.
To use custom middlewares, include them when initializing the Schema Registry Client:
import { Middleware } from 'mappersmith'
const customMiddleware: Middleware = jest.fn(() => {
return {
async request(request) {
return request.enhance({
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer Random',
async response(next) {
return next()
const registry = new SchemaRegistry({
host: 'your_host',
middlewares: [customMiddleware],